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Program Overview

Tuition Fees Schedule

This Statement of Fees highlights Bankstown Helicopters’ adaptable enrollment options – Please note: Bankstown Helicopters offers VET courses on particular dates every year. Course intake dates will be announced periodically throughout the year.

*$94,207.00 is the cap for VSL

* Census Day: the last day students can submit their eCAF to apply for VSL for that Unit of Study, or the last day students can withdraw their enrolment without incurring a debt for that Unit of Study.

* Gap Fee: any out-of-pocket tuition fees payable by the student that will not be covered by a VSL.

* VSL Loan Fee: A loan fee of 20% applies to VSL for all courses other than state or territory subsidised courses. The loan fee will not contribute to your HELP balance but will be included in your VETSL debt.

To be supplied by student not covered by VET student loans
Navigation Equipment
CASA Licence Fees
CASA Examination Fees
WIFI/Bluetooth Enabled Laptop

*Any additional flying hours are a supplementary student expense and are not covered by tuition fees.

*$94,207.00 is the cap for VSL

* Census Day: the last day students can submit their eCAF to apply for VSL for that Unit of Study, or the last day students can withdraw their enrolment without incurring a debt for that Unit of Study.

* Gap Fee: any out-of-pocket tuition fees payable by the student that will not be covered by a VSL.

* VSL Loan Fee: A loan fee of 20% applies to VSL for all courses other than state or territory subsidised courses. The loan fee will not contribute to your HELP balance but will be included in your VETSL debt.

To be supplied by student not covered by VET student loans
Navigation Equipment
CASA Licence Fees
CASA Examination Fees
WIFI/Bluetooth Enabled Laptop
*Any additional flying hours are a supplementary student expense and are not covered by tuition fees.
*$94,207.00 is the cap for VSL

* Census Day: the last day students can submit their eCAF to apply for VSL for that Unit of Study, or the last day students can withdraw their enrolment without incurring a debt for that Unit of Study.

* Gap Fee: any out-of-pocket tuition fees payable by the student that will not be covered by a VSL.

* VSL Loan Fee: A loan fee of 20% applies to VSL for all courses other than state or territory subsidised courses. The loan fee will not contribute to your HELP balance but will be included in your VETSL debt.

To be supplied by student not covered by VET student loans
Navigation Equipment
CASA Licence Fees
CASA Examination Fees
WIFI/Bluetooth Enabled Laptop
*Any additional flying hours are a supplementary student expense and are not covered by tuition fees.

Domestic Student Handbook

The handbook provides comprehensive details about the course, including program structure, eligibility requirements, and application procedures. It covers most of the key questions you may have about the training. You can download it below. If you’re ready to apply or have further inquiries, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Click link below to view Domestic Student Handbook

VET Student Loan

As of 1 January 2017, VET Student Loans commenced, replacing VET FEE-HELP for all new students.

The VET Student Loans program is designed to be affordable, sustainable, and student-focused. It provides eligible students with access to quality higher-level VET qualifications, particularly for those who may not have the financial means to pay for their course upfront. This program enhances student protections and prioritizes courses that meet industry needs, helping to create stronger employment opportunities.

All students are required to read the VET Information for Students when applying for a VET Student Loan.

To understand your responsibilities under the VET Student Loans program, please refer to this page, which provides details on the application process, ongoing student obligations, and the procedure for ceasing access to a VSL.


Bankstown Helicopters’ full-time CPL(H) Diploma course is an approved course for Services Australia programs such as Youth Allowance and Austudy. These programs are administered by the Australian Government and are designed to provide financial assistance during your training.

Acceptance into our course does not guarantee eligibility for these programs, as additional criteria may need to be met. Further information can be found here.

Student Entry Requirements

To be eligible for enrolment in our VSL Full-Time Course, prospective students must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an Australian citizen or hold an eligible permanent residency status.

  • Meet the academic suitability requirements, which include:

    • Completion of Year 12 (or equivalent); or

    • Completion of an Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) Certificate IV or higher; or

    • Successful completion of an approved Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) assessment. We use the LLN Robot provided by The Learning Resources Group to assess students’ suitability.

  • Be at least 18 years of age at the time of application as per requirement by CASA to be a minimum of 18 years of age to receive CPL(H).

  • Hold a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI).

  • Meet the aviation medical requirements (if applicable).

Application and Enrolment Process

1. Initial Inquiry
Students can submit an inquiry via our website, phone call, email, or in person at our training facility.

2. Application Submission
Applicants must complete the enrolment application form and provide supporting documents such as proof of identity, and academic qualifications,.

3. LLN Assessment 
All applicants will need to complete an LLN assessment using the LLN Robot. This ensures they have the necessary literacy and numeracy skills for the course.

4. Course Consultation and Interview
Upon successful review of the application, students may be required to attend a consultation session with our enrolment officer to discuss course details, career goals, and VSL obligations.

5.Offer and Acceptance
Successful applicants will receive an offer letter, which must be signed and returned with confirmation of their intention to proceed.

6. VSL Loan Application
Students wishing to apply for a VET Student Loan (VSL) must complete the required government loan application and submit any necessary supporting documentation.

7. Final Confirmation & Induction
Once all required documents are received, students will receive a confirmation of enrolment (COE) and details for their induction and course commencement.

Student Withdrawal Process and Procedures

As per VET Student Rules 2016 (Section 4.7.7), students may withdraw from an approved course or a part of a course at any time. Our withdrawal procedures ensure that students can exit the course without financial, administrative, or other barriers if they withdraw on or before the census date.

Withdrawal Procedure
  • Students may withdraw by submitting a formal notice via email to the Administration Manager or Chief Executive Officer should they wish to withdraw from their programme.

  • Upon withdrawal, students will receive a confirmation email, including:

    • The date and time of the withdrawal request.

    • Details of the unit, part of the course, or full course from which they withdrew.

    • Information on any applicable refund or debt incurred.

  • Students withdrawing on or before the census date will not incur any financial liability.

  • Students withdrawing after the census date may be subject to tuition fee liabilities, unless they qualify under special circumstances provisions.

Counselling and Support for Withdrawing Students

Students considering withdrawal can access optional counselling services to discuss alternative study options, financial considerations, or career pathways. This service is purely advisory and does not pressure students to remain enrolled or switch courses.

Prohibited Charges for Withdrawals

Students withdrawing on or before the census date will not be charged:

  • Withdrawal fees

  • Administration fees

  • Fines or penalties

  • Any portion of tuition fees

Re-Enrolment After Withdrawal

If a student withdraws from a course or unit, they may re-enrol only with written permission and subject to availability in the course.

Provider-Initiated Cancellation After Census Date

Under VET Student Rules 2016 (Section 4.7.8), Bankstown Helicopters may cancel a student’s enrolment after the census date in cases of non-payment, misconduct, or failure to meet course progress requirements. The process includes:

  • Written notification to the student detailing the reason for cancellation.

  • A minimum 28-day period for students to raise a grievance before final cancellation.

  • A final review and resolution process before the enrolment is officially terminated.

Refund Policy for Withdrawals on or Before Census Day

Students who withdraw on or before the census day are entitled to a full refund of tuition fees. This includes:

  • VET Student Loan (VSL) covered fees

  • Gap fees

  • Upfront tuition payments

  • Any tuition fees paid through a provider loan

If a student has paid tuition fees upfront, Bankstown Helicopters will refund the full amount.

Student Complaint Processes and Procedures

At Bankstown Helicopters, we are committed to providing a fair and transparent complaint resolution process. Our Student Complaint Processes and Procedures ensure compliance with the VET Student Rules 2016 (Section 4.7.9) and provide a structured approach to resolving student grievances related to both academic and non-academic matters.

Grievance Procedure Overview

Our grievance procedure is designed to:

  • Clearly outline the internal and external complaint resolution stages.

  • Encourage timely resolution, with reasonable timeframes for each stage.

  • Contain structured internal and external stages.

  • State explicitly that no charges apply for lodging a complaint.

  • Provide mechanisms for implementing decisions made as a result of the grievance procedure.

  • Ensure due consideration of recommendations made during external reviews.

  • Maintain confidentiality while allowing students access to their complaint records.

Internal Complaint Resolution Stage
  1. Lodging a Complaint

    • Students must submit a formal complaint using the Student Complaint Form, available here or at the administrative office.

    • The complaint should include all relevant details and supporting evidence.

  2. Review and Decision

    • A senior officer will review the complaint and provide a written decision, including:

      • The reasons for the decision.

      • Instructions on how to appeal the decision.

  3. Appealing a Decision

    • If a student is dissatisfied, they may appeal to an independent senior officer or an internal review committee.

    • A final written decision will be issued, detailing:

      • The reasons for the appeal decision.

      • Information on how to escalate the complaint externally.

  4. Support During the Process

    • Students may be accompanied by a support person at their own expense.

External Complaint Resolution Stage

If a student remains dissatisfied after the internal appeal, they may request an independent external review.

  • The review is conducted by a qualified external and independent body.

  • Both parties may be assisted or represented at the review, at their own cost.

  • A final decision will be provided in writing, detailing:

    • The reasons for the decision.

    • Any applicable recommendations.

VET Student Loans Ombudsman (VSLO)
  • The VSLO acts as the external dispute resolution body for complaints related to VET Student Loan (VSL) assistance.

  • Students may submit a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman if they believe their grievance was not adequately resolved.

  • The VSLO investigates and makes recommendations to ensure compliance with legislation and fairness for students.

  • If a provider fails to act on VSLO recommendations, the matter may be reported to the Minister for Education and tabled in Parliament.

Record-Keeping and Compliance
  • All complaint records will be kept confidential and maintained for at least five years.

  • Bankstown Helicopters is committed to full compliance with the VSLO and VET Student Rules 2016.

  • If requested, we will cooperate fully with investigations and provide necessary documentation.

By maintaining a fair and structured complaint process, Bankstown Helicopters ensures students have a clear pathway to resolve concerns efficiently and equitably.

Re-Crediting of HELP Balances Policy

1. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline the processes and procedures for re-crediting a student’s HELP balance under Part 6 of the Act, in compliance with the requirements of the VET Student Loans (VSL) Manual for Providers, Version 5.8 (October 2024).

2. Policy Statement
Bankstown Helicopters Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that students who are eligible for a re-credit of their HELP balance due to special circumstances, unacceptable conduct, or provider failure have access to a fair and transparent process.

3. Re-Crediting Under Special Circumstances (Section 68 of the Act)
A student may apply for their HELP balance to be re-credited due to special circumstances if:

  • The circumstances were beyond the student’s control.
  • The full impact of the circumstances did not become apparent until on or after the census date.
  • The circumstances made it impracticable for the student to complete the course or part of the course.

  3.1 Application Process

  • Students must apply in writing within 12 months after the census date for the course or part of the course.
  • The application must include supporting documentation.
  • Applications submitted beyond the 12-month timeframe may be considered at the discretion of Bankstown Helicopters.
  • If approved, the student’s HELP balance will be re-credited with an amount equal to the VSL used for the tuition fees of the affected course or course part.

4. Re-Crediting Under Unacceptable Conduct or Provider Non-Compliance (Section 71 of the Act)
A student may apply to the Secretary for a re-credit of their HELP balance if:

  • Bankstown Helicopters, or a person acting on its behalf, engaged in unacceptable conduct regarding the student’s VSL application.
  • Bankstown Helicopters failed to comply with the Act or an instrument under the Act, adversely affecting the student.

  4.1 Application Process

  • Applications must be made in writing within 5 years after the census date of the course or course part.
  • The Secretary will review and determine the outcome of the application.

5. Decision Review Process

  • If an application is denied, the student may request a review of the decision within 28 days of receiving the notification.
  • A Review Officer will be appointed who was not involved in the original decision and holds a position of equal or greater authority.
  • The review officer will reconsider the application and may confirm, vary, or set aside the decision.
  • Written notice of the review outcome will be provided, including reasons for the decision.

  5.1 Review by the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART)

  • If a student is unsatisfied with the review decision, they may apply for further review by the ART.
  • Bankstown Helicopters will cooperate with ART by providing all necessary documents within the required timeframes.

6. Reporting and Compliance

  • Any approved re-crediting of a HELP balance will be reported to the Department via the TCSI revisions file.
  • Bankstown Helicopters will refund any amounts received from the Commonwealth as required.
  • Records of applications, decisions, and reviews will be maintained securely for compliance purposes.

7. Student Protection and Non-Discrimination

  • Students seeking a review or reconsideration will not be victimised or discriminated against.
  • All grievance processes will be handled fairly and transparently.

Privacy and information handling

Bankstown Helicopters processes and procedures for handling information can be downloaded here

Course Information and Lodgment of Interest

For a comprehensive look at course details, aircraft availability, upcoming intakes, and how to register your interest, please reach out to our enrolments team via:

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With more than 40 years experience, we understand exactly how to get the best out of every student that learns to fly with us.

RTO: 46091 | CRICOS: 04192K

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